COVID-19 has the world on high alert for health-related issues. Luckily, the pandemic hasn’t prevented medical advancements from continuing in other fields. Promoting and maintain a healthy immune system, for example, has promising research being performed right now. Prostate health has also seen hopeful new technologies in recent years. Let’s take a look at the latter and how medical advancements are improving prostate health.
Prostate cancer has typically been diagnosed by inserting needles into the prostate gland to collect samples, with the help of transrectal ultrasound (TRUS). This is what the medical field calls a systematic biopsy. However, these injections aren’t necessarily at the most ideal point of interest. Depending on the ultrasound—which we’ll come to later—there is a good chance that the image won’t be able to locate cancerous cells/growths. The lower-grade ultrasounds are mainly used to safely insert the needle into the gland. This means that the sample taken could show low-grade cancerous cells while missing more aggressive cancers. As biopsies become more advanced, they will be able to better detect different types of samples from smaller collection points. The image of the ultrasound will have less to do with the diagnosis of the sample.
MRI and Ultrasound
Conversely, improving the ultrasound will also help to identify a prostate problem. Cutting-edge corporations in the industry have shifted to a membership-based system for their ultrasound. Now, companies, such as Vave Health, are able to offer a service and supply a device such as a wireless ultrasound probe. A common issue is that the future moves too fast. With an all-inclusive probe that is replaced every 2 years, you’ll constantly be ahead on image quality. With the ability to link the wireless ultrasound probe using Bluetooth, seamless transition between devices has never been easier. Clearer and more effective ultrasounds will hopefully improve the chances of infection control and help reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
For many men, supplements are part of their daily life. Whether it’s saw palmetto for their urinary tract health or protein after a hard day in the gym, almost any supplement has a place in their diet. It comes as little surprise that science has discovered natural ingredients that help fight prostate problems without surgery. Currently, Prostate 911 is helping people with issues surrounding their bladder such as the frequent need to urinate, pain or burning when you pee, or late-night calls to the restroom. Their supplement uses a blend of nettle root, pumpkin seed, and several other natural ingredients to help normalize urine flow. These capsules also hope to reduce inflammation. Though not meant to be a cure, a supplement can help promote a healthy prostate.
There have been several advances at the point of care for prostate cancer over the years. One approach that is seeing promising work is hormone therapy. Because some treatments see resistance from the cancers over time due to hormone blockers, hormones such as enzalutamide, abiraterone, and darolutamide have been used to prevent this from happening. Studies have shown a survival benefit to these drugs whether or not the patient has undergone chemotherapy. Continuing to study how the body reacts to treatments, and using hormone therapies to help promote their success, will continue to increase cancer survivability.
Additionally, the immunotherapies themselves have seen advancements over the years. These injections stimulate the immune system with the hopeful side effects of attacking the tumor. Vaccines such as rilimogene-galvacirepvec (PORSTVAC) are currently under clinical trial and hope to see promising results. The hope is that these therapies will help with the prevention of more benign cancers mutating into aggressive diseases. Using these with other treatments will hopefully reduce risk and help prevent ever contracting the disease. There is a promising future for prostate patients. Medical advancements continue to push the limits of what was previously thought impossible.